For families on the go

Girl with cerebral palsy sits with her parents and the Kimba Neo rehab buggy in the garden.

Promote movement, live life to the fullest

Your child not only needs good support when you’re out and about, but should also be able to take in the surroundings so he or she can be actively involved.

Experiencing their environment has a positive effect on a child’s overall development.

Rehab buggies and power wheelchairs give your child the necessary stability, provide relief and support therapy. And our devices do this continually, “growing” with your child and adapting to potential changes in symptoms. Mobility devices – propelled by the child or pushed by an attendant – are very important in everyday life.

That’s why we offer you numerous models with a wide range of options. These enable us to meet your child’s individual needs, and naturally your requirements as well: Our models are designed to be very compact and simple to use and can be easily stowed and quickly loaded into a vehicle. They all have the same goal: to make your life easier.