Knee joint 3R60

The 3R60 EBS is a multiaxial, hydraulically controlled knee joint. Based on the natural model, it supports controlled knee flexion under load while walking.

Two miniature hydraulic units control flexion resistance in the knee joint

Benefits at a glance

User crossing a bridge.

Able to walk easily again

Controlled stance phase flexion up to 15° relieves strain on both limbs. The reduction of forces acting on the residual limb, pelvis and spine makes it possible to approximate a sound, physiological gait pattern.

3R60 prosthesis with max. flexion angle

Crouching down

Low weight and a very large flexion angle of 175° for greater freedom of movement – especially handy when you have to get into a car, or sit in a confined space in an airplane or train.

Crossing the street, safely overcoming curbs

Reduced risk of tripping

Thanks to the multi-axial joint design, the prosthesis shortens during swing-through – effectively reducing the risk of tripping.

User walking down a slope.

Walking on slopes

Comfortable walking with high safety, even on rough terrain and on slopes of up to 10°.

User with the 3R60 on uneven ground

Reduced risk

The design offers greater protection in high-risk situations: the wearer can always flex the joint in a controlled manner without delay, so there is less risk of falling than with locking knee joints.

3R60 user crossing the street

Various walking speeds

Straightforward control of the swing phase and the virtually natural pendulum movement of the lower leg lead to a harmonious, natural gait pattern, even at different walking speeds.

3R60 Pro knee joint

The 3R60 Pro knee joint

The 3R60 Pro is based on the same principle as the 3R60 EBS – but it has been modified in several ways.

The 3R60 Pro is smaller, more compact and lighter than the 3R60 EBS, and is suitable for users with a maximum body weight of 75kg.

Progressive stance phase damping controls flexion and extension movements under load even more effectively. Especially at high walking speeds, when the acting forces are even higher compared to a slow or moderate walking speed.

1C30 Trias prosthetic foot

Ideal component combination

Nature as the model

The Trias prosthetic foot made of carbon fibre has proven itself as a sturdy, high-quality everyday foot for users with moderate activity levels. Its triangular, curved shape reflects the anatomy of the human foot – making it a distinctive example of how nature’s solutions can be transferred to orthopaedic technology. The heel and forefoot elements replicate the arch structure of the human foot. The base spring connects them with each other in order to guarantee that the Trias works as a single unit.


The impact at heel strike is gently dampened, followed by a physiological rollover. The energy stored in the system at heel strike is released again at toe-off. Safe, controlled, energy-saving movement patterns boost the user's confidence in the prosthesis. The foot adapts to different walking speeds and uneven ground without loss of comfort while simultaneously reducing the load on the sound limb.

In addition to the normal version (10 mm heel height), the Trias footshell is also available in a slim version (20 mm heel height). This allows you to select from a greater variety of shoes.

Technical information

Feature Value
Max. user weight 3R60 EBS - 125kg / 3R60 pro - 75kg
Weight 3R60 - 845g / 3R60-pro – 770g
Maximum flexion angle 175°


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Winning combination flyer 3R60 + Trias

Overview of the positive interplay between the 3R60 and the Trias


  • What amputation levels can be fitted with a 3R60 knee joint?

    The 3R60 is very versatile in application. Fittings for nearly all amputation levels from knee disarticulation to hemipelvectomy are possible.

  • Can I walk down stairs step-over-step with the 3R60?

    No, the 3R60 is not suitable for users who are physically able to go down stairs step-over-step. However, limited stance phase flexion under load makes it possible to walk down slight inclines up to 10° step-over-step.

  • For what users is the 3R60 pro suited?

    The 3R60 Pro is smaller, more compact and lighter than the 3R60 EBS, and is suitable for users with a maximum body weight of 75kg.

  • Quels sont les avantages du 3R60 ?

    Le 3R60 vous offre une grande liberté de mouvement. Il est possible de marcher sur des pentes légères et des surfaces inégales. Grâce à la grande amplitude de flexion, la jambe peut bien monter et réduire le risque de trébucher et de tomber. Vous marchez plus naturellement et la phase d’oscillation, que vous pouvez initier sans grande énergie, est harmonieuse.