Extension brace Smartspine TLSO

Extension brace Smartspine TLSO

Benefits at a glance

Individual adjustment

The pulley system maximizes abdominal compression with minimal pull force. It compresses and conforms to the individual patient’s anatomy. Besides the system works with one hand and the pull cord is adjustable allowing for a high degree of comfort and individual adaptability.

Easy and quick adaption

The thoracic adjustment works tool free and linear. Besides there are articulating sternal pads included allowing for quick and easy adjustment.

Relief and immobilization of the spine

The triplanar motion control for the anterior, posterior and lateral region ensures a high degree of stabilization and compression resulting in relief and immobilization.


  • Mechanical thoracic spine pain
  • Mechanical thoracic kyphosis (hunchback) (without fused vertebrae)
  • Scheuermann's disease
  • Compression fractures of the thoracic spine (with no neurological deficits)
  • Severe degeneration of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine
  • Stable traumatic fractures of the thoracic and/or lumbar vertebral bodies
  • Severe disc degeneration of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine
  • Facet joint syndrome of the thoracic spine


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