Electric Hand 2000 for children

The mechanics of a prosthetic hand for children

Exploring the world with electric hands for children

Being able to experience and explore their environment with all the senses is especially important to children. Gripping and feeling with their own hands is an essential part of this. That’s why we developed a hand just for children – the Electric Hand 2000.

The clear advantages of this functional hand include its low weight and a better view of the object that is being grasped thanks to sophisticated gripping kinematics. Your child uses fewer compensating arm movements as a result. The finger design enables the child to use hand writing implements and cutlery in a largely natural manner.

  • Better view of the object being grasped thanks to special gripping kinematics
  • Low weight due to omission of an inner hand
  • Various sizes, cosmetic gloves and control options available
  • The Electric Hand 2000 for children is suitable exclusively for prosthetic treatments due to amputations or malformations of the upper limbs